Spookiest thing I ever saw was........Nat giving something away for free......Mwahahahahah
Or was it when she got a round in at the bar.....oh no...I never saw that yet....PMSL
Spookiest thing I ever saw was... my bank balance- scares me anyway!
a ghost ship - honest scared the monkeys out of me!
Spookiest thing I ever saw was the challenge that Nat set me because I complained about Halloween.............
was my postman - when he left me NO stash at my door!!!
was a tidy scrap space, tumbleweed and everything!
when playing snooker and i was snookered and our female ghost switched the balls around.
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Spookiest thing I ever saw was........Nat giving something away for free......Mwahahahahah
Or was it when she got a round in at the bar.....oh no...I never saw that yet....PMSL
Spookiest thing I ever saw was... my bank balance- scares me anyway!
a ghost ship - honest scared the monkeys out of me!
Spookiest thing I ever saw was the challenge that Nat set me because I complained about Halloween.............
was my postman - when he left me NO stash at my door!!!
was a tidy scrap space, tumbleweed and everything!
when playing snooker and i was snookered and our female ghost switched the balls around.
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